Film, often collaborative, and experimental, an opportunity to create differently.

Talkinn Group

Our collaboration group, Talkinn, was privileged to exhibit in the Norwich University of the Arts GRADFEST exhibition. The film was part or our final piece inspired by a group discussion about progress and process.

Beeston Bumping

Celebrating life and friendship working with photographer Suzanne Reid.

Changing Minds

A project based on real life records of mental health patients from 1886 who were patients in the Norfolk County Asylum. The film and paintings were exhibited in the Norfolk Records Office 2022.

Postcard From Here

The instruction was to create a postcard with a message that has impacted you, you have one hour to do it…. I made this animated flip book with the message, ‘not enough smiles by miles’, obviously this was during the ‘mask wearing’ pandemic.

Face To Face

Observing family faces, looking at many generations using collage from old photos.


I use this method as a daily warm up to get my mind and eyes working in synch, finding it easier to make a small film to demonstrate the process.

Iteration: Oranges In Green Bowl

Iteration is an essential tool in my practice. To keep a record of my progress I often make a flip book.

Iteration: Oranges From A to B

Creating the same image over and over, I become de-sensitised to it and less precious, this is the sweet spot where the magic begins.



